Hello i'm Dimitri

a Web developper

i'm currently learning

My certifications

Let's work together...
How do you take your coffee?

class Dev {
    public $name  = 'Dimitri Basseguy';
    public $job  = 'web developper';
    public $email  = 'dimitri.basseguy@gmail.com';
    public $location  = '9 rue Rosset - Lyon - France';

    public $experiences = [
        '2021' => 'developper web @ R.A.S Intérim,
        // Wordpress development, PHP, API creation, Gravityform + Divi expert. Management of the group's websites (webmaster, webdesigner)
        '2020' => 'developper web @ O'clock,
        // Backend development (Symfony) of a web application. 4 intensive weeks. My Dev Skill Tree aims to give an idea of the skills a developer needs to know in the form of a technology tree..
        '2017-2020' => 'freelance',
        // Website design, web marketing, DTP.
        '2015-2017' => 'webmarketing project manager @ shogunmoto.com',
        // Shogunmoto.com: SEO, SEA, Shopping, Google ads, Facebook ads, Bing Ads. client relation with CRM, e-mailing. Community management. Website redesign (responsive design).
        '2011-2015' => 'restaurant manager @ Thai in box',
        // i deeply love thai food !!.
        '2010-2011' => 'webmarketing @ shogunmoto.com',
        // Web marketing SEO/SEA, web design, on-site pub. E-mailling.
        '2000-209' => 'infographist'

    public $studies = [
        '2020' => 'Learning web developper at O'clock School (730h). Labeled G.E.N,
        '2020' => 'Responsive Web Design Developer Certification at freeCodeCamp.org  -> verify'',
        '2020' => 'Maîtrise de la qualité en projet Web at opquast -> verify'
    public $realisations = [
        '2022' => 'Eurotemps',
        '2022' => 'My Ras',
        '2021' => 'R.A.S Intérim',
        '2021' => 'My Temp',
        '2020' => 'Shadowrun mini Wiki',
        '2020' => 'Todo List React',
        '2020' => 'mydevskilltree (demo video)',
        '2020' => 'institutbeautelyon2.fr',
        '2020' => 'jcalinvest.com'

    public $codingKnowledge = ['PHP','Javascript','Bootstrap','MySQL','Apache','Github'];
    public $codingFramework = ['Symfony ***','Wordpress ****','React **'];
    public $softwares = ['VSCode','Photoshop','Illustrator','Figma','Sketch','Office'];
    public $links = [
        'website' => 'seriously ? you are already there.',
        'github' => 'github.com/Dimitri-Basseguy',
        'linkedin' => 'linkedin.com/in/dimitri-basseguy'
        'freelance' => 'malt.fr/dimitribasseguy'